Manage Smarter 83 — Joe Williams: Mastering Your Message

BY Audrey Strong
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Joe Williams is the Founder of Creative Performance Group, where he helps people get their message out to the world in the most powerful way possible. He created the Master Your Message Bootcamp, an intensive training that has created hundreds of other successful speakers, coaches, consultants, and authors. In Addition to live events, consulting, and corporate programs, Joe lead the Impact Entrepreneur group – a high-​end mentorship program for professional speakers, coaches, and consultants.

His new book The Impact Awakening: How to Go from Having a Calling to Changing Lives, focuses on how to master your message, communicate it powerfully, and scale it into an Impact Business. Impact Businesses can liberates you from slaving away building another person’s dream and instead gets you working on your own legacy.

In this episode, Audrey, Lee and Joe discuss:

  • The Master Skill of Leadership
  • How to “up your game” of communication
  • How to evaluate and change your communication style

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The ability to command a message that moves people’s souls that it causes them to do something differently in their life? I consider that the master skill of leadership."

- Joe Williams

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